Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1st Day of Class

The first day of class was nothing new. There was the going over of the syllabus and an overview of the class. Just about everybody from CSCI 362 is in 462, so there aren't really any new faces. I'm excited with the fact that we have a lot more FOSS choices to choose from this semester. We broke up into groups on the first day and my group is team 6 (A name is coming soon). I was very comfortable withe everyone in my group, because I know most of them already. I think the comfort level is the same through out the group and that is a big boost in  the team building process. We went over the team building exercise assigned and we breezed through that because it was the same exercise as the one given in 362. We assigned all the roles in our team and turned in our deliverable. For the time being we are thinking of a name for our group, getting our wiki up and running, and selecting our 3 choices for our FOSS project. I know this semester will bring about challenges, but I am optimistic and excited about overcoming these challenges.

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